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  • Writer's pictureMichaela Corcoran

The Journey Begins...

Heya everyone!

Some of you who have been following me for a while or who may even know me IRL, will know that my partner and I have been planning for a couple of years now to buy a bus or truck to convert into a tiny home.

Why do we want to do this?

Well, Gareth (my partner) is bored of his current job which he’s been doing for over 20 years now, and wants to explore the country more, find new temp work around in different places, try new things out, etc. I work from home doing my artwork so I’m not tied to a particular workplace, and I find that I get bored in one place/situation for too long, I need adventure and variety! Also, ever since I can remember I’ve wanted to have a homestead, a nice small bit of land that’s big enough for my family and some animals. Land in this area is getting more expensive and I want to get out there, explore the country and find my own little piece of it.

We both want a home of our own, but neither of us saw any point in tying ourselves down with a huge mortgage for the rest of our lives, having to work all the time to pay for a house that we don’t get to enjoy because we're always working to pay it off! (you see the vicious cycle!?) We don’t need a big house. We don’t need a lot of things. Building a tiny home and quitting the rat race of life and living on our own terms just made sense to us, and it fits our personalities and what we want from life perfectly.

And hey, if it doesn't work out, at least we gave it a go eh!? We'd rather give it a shot and have it fail, than live the rest of our lives wishing we'd been braver and tried it.

And the really good news!?

After a couple of years of hard-out saving and constantly being on the lookout for the perfect vehicle, last weekend we bit the bullet and WE GOT A TRUCK! <3

It’s a 1997 Isuzu Elf box-body truck, an ex mobile clothes store in fact.

I’m so excited for what the future has in store for the three of us (Gareth, the truck and I). Bring on the hard work, arguments, bad times and good times, because this part of the journey has just begun and I couldn’t be happier!

So without further ado, I’d like to introduce you all to our new truck and future home; Arlathan. <3

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